Target Market Determinations

A Target Market Determination (TMD) describes the key features and attributes of a product that affect whether it is likely to be consistent with the objectives, financial situation and needs of consumers in the target market. The Design and Distribution Obligations (DDO) regulations require product issuers to make a TMD publicly available for each of their products.

TMDs do not replace Product Disclosure Statements (PDS) nor lessen the importance of PDSs in the financial product decision making process. TMDs set out who the financial product may be suitable for and how it can be distributed. It is important to note that it is not a summary of the product features or terms of the product. The PDS should always be referred to for the terms, conditions and features of the product before making a decision about whether the product is suitable for the consumer.

Target Market Determinations for Weinberg Private Managed Portfolios

TMDs for Weinberg Private Managed Portfolios are available via the links below.

My North Documents

PortfolioLink for website
Weinberg Private Balanced Core Portfolio
Weinberg Private Conservative Core Portfolio
Weinberg Private Growth Core Portfolio
Weinberg Private High Growth Core Portfolio
Weinberg Private Moderate Core Portfolio
Weinberg Private Growth (Income) Portfolio
Weinberg Private Moderate (Income) Portfolio

HUB 24 Documents

HUB 24 Target Market Determinations (TMD)

Product Disclosure Statement for Weinberg Private Managed


Product Disclosure Statement for Weinberg Private Managed Portfolios is available via the links below.

My North Product Disclosure Statements

Product Disclosure Statements

HUB 24 Product Disclosure Statements

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) – Super/Pension

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) – IDPS